Prince William, Duke of Cumberland

Prince William[1]
Duke of Cumberland
Portrait by Joshua Reynolds, 1758
Full name
William Augustus
House House of Hanover
Father George II
Mother Caroline of Ansbach
Born 26 April 1721(1721-04-26)
Leicester House, London
Died 31 October 1765(1765-10-31) (aged 44)
Burial Westminster Abbey, London

The Prince William, Duke of Cumberland (William Augustus;[1] 26 April 1721[2][N.S.] – 31 October 1765) also known as "Butcher" Cumberland was a younger son of George II of Great Britain and Caroline of Ansbach. He is generally best remembered for his role in putting down the Jacobite Rising at the Battle of Culloden in 1746, though he went on to enjoy a successful military career. Following the Convention of Klosterzeven in 1757 he never held active military command, and switched his attentions to politics and horse-racing.


Early life

William was born in the Leicester House, Leicester Fields (now Leicester Square), Westminster, London, where his parents had moved after his grandfather, George I, accepted the invitation to ascend the British throne. His godparents included The King and The Queen in Prussia (his paternal aunt), but they apparently did not take part in person and were presumably represented by proxy.[3] On 27 July 1726,[4] at only four-years-old, he was created Duke of Cumberland, Marquess of Berkhamstead in the County of Hertford, Earl of Kennington in the County of Surrey, Viscount of Trematon in the County of Cornwall, and Baron of the Isle of Alderney. The young prince was educated well (his tutor was his mother's favourite Andrew Fountaine), becoming his parents' favourite (so much so that his father would later consider ways of making him his heir in preference over his eldest brother, Frederick, Prince of Wales). At Hampton Court Palace, apartments were designed specially for him by William Kent.

Early military career

From childhood, he showed physical courage and ability. He was intended, by the King and Queen, for the office of Lord High Admiral, and, in 1740, he sailed, as a volunteer, in the fleet under the command of Sir John Norris, but he quickly became dissatisfied with the Navy, and, early in 1742, he began an Army career.

War of the Austrian Succession

In December 1742, he became a Major-General, and, the following year, he first saw active service in Persia. George II and the "martial boy" shared in the glory of the Battle of Dettingen (27 June 1743), and Cumberland, who was wounded in the action, was reported as a hero in Britain, thus founding his military popularity. After the battle he was made a Lieutenant General.

The Battle of Fontenoy in 1745 was Cumberland's first battle as commander.

In 1745 Cumberland was made Captain-General of the British land forces and in Flanders became Commander-in-Chief of the allied British, Hanoverian, Austrian and Dutch troops despite his inexperience. He initially planned to take the offensive against the French, in a move he hoped would lead to the capture of Paris, he was persuaded by his advisors that this was impossible given the vast numerical superiority of the enemy.[5] During this time he was guided by the experienced French-born General, Lord Ligonier who convinced him that the Allies should act on the defensive.

As it became clear that the French intention was to take the town of Tournai, Cumberland advanced to the relief of the town, which was besieged by Marshal Saxe. In the resulting Battle of Fontenoy on 11 May 1745 the Allies were defeated by the French. Saxe had picked the battleground on which to confront the British, and filled the nearby woods with French marksmen. Cumberland ignored the threat of the woods when drawing up his battle plans, and instead concentrated on seizing the town of Fontenoy and attacking the main French army nearby. Despite a concerted Anglo-Hanoverian attack on the French centre, which led many to believe the Allies had won, the failure to clear the woods and of the Dutch forces to capture Fontenoy forced Cumberland's force onto the retreat. Following the battle Cumberland was frequently criticised for his tactics, particularly the failure to occupy the woods.[6] In the wake of the battle Cumberland was forced to retreat to Brussels and was unable to prevent the fall of Ghent, Bruges and Ostend.[7]

British Royalty
House of Hanover
Quarterly, I Gules three lions passant guardant in pale Or impaling Or a lion rampant within a double-tressure flory-counter-flory Gules; II Azure three fleurs-de-lys Or; III Azure a harp Or stringed Argent; IV tierced per pale and per chevron, I Gules two lions passant guardant Or, II Or a semy of hearts Gules a lion rampant Azure, III Gules a horse courant Argent, overall an escutcheon Gules charged with the crown of Charlemagne Or
George II
   Frederick, Prince of Wales
   Anne, Princess of Orange
   Princess Amelia
   Princess Caroline
   Prince William, Duke of Cumberland
   Mary, Landgravine of Hesse-Cassel
   Louise, Queen of Denmark
   Augusta, Duchess of Brunswick
   George III
   Edward, Duke of York
   Princess Elizabeth
   William Henry, Duke of Gloucester
   Henry, Duke of Cumberland
   Princess Louisa
   Prince Frederick
   Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark
   Princess Sophia of Gloucester
   William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester
"The Highlanders Medley", or "The Duke Triumphant"
Click above for detailed description
Published according to Act of Parliament, 1749
Click above for detailed description
"The Tombstone", published October 1765
Click above for detailed description

Jacobite rebellion - "The Forty-Five"

As the leading British general of the day, he was chosen to put a decisive stop to the successful career of Charles Edward Stuart, known as the Young Pretender, in the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745. His appointment was popular, and caused morale to soar amongst the British public and troops.[8]

Recalled from Flanders, Cumberland proceeded with his preparations for quelling the insurrection. The Jacobite army had advanced southwards into England, hoping that English Jacobites would rise and join them. However after only receiving limited support such as the Manchester Regiment, it was decided to withdraw to Scotland.

Cumberland joined the Midland army under Ligonier, and began pursuit of the enemy, but the Stuart's retreat from Derby disrupted his plans, and it was not until they had reached Penrith, and the advanced portion of his army had been repulsed on Clifton Moor, that Cumberland became aware of just how hopeless an attempt to overtake the retreating Highlanders would then be. Carlisle having been retaken, he retired to London, until the news of the defeat of Hawley at Falkirk roused again the fears of the English people, and centred the hopes of Britain on the Duke. He was appointed commander of the forces in Scotland.


Arriving in Edinburgh on 30 January 1746, he at once proceeded in search of the Young Pretender. He made a detour to Aberdeen, where he spent some time training the well-equipped forces now under his command for the peculiar nature of the warfare in which they were about to engage. He prepared his army to withstand the aggressive charges on which all Highland successes depended and he reorganised the forces and restored their discipline and self-confidence.

On 8 April 1746, he set out from Aberdeen for Inverness, and, on 16 April, he fought the decisive Battle of Culloden, in which the forces of the Young Pretender were completely destroyed. Cumberland ordered his troops to show no quarter against any remaining Jacobite rebels (French Army personnel, including those who were British- or Irish-born, were treated as legitimate combatants). The British Army then embarked upon the so-called 'pacification' of Jacobite areas of the highlands: all those the troops believed to be rebels were killed, as were some non-combatants, 'rebellious' settlements were burned and livestock was confiscated on a large scale. Some in the highland Jacobite regions survived the redcoats' ravaging of the countryside only to starve the following winter. This collective punishment was not meted out to those areas of the lowlands (principally in the north east) where Jacobitism had also been strong.

"Butcher Cumberland"

"Butcher" was a taunt, first recorded in the City of London,[9] used for political purposes in England. Cumberland's own brother, the Prince of Wales (who had been refused permission to take a military role on his father's behalf), seems to have encouraged the virulent attacks upon the Duke. His actions did bring the war to an end almost at once, and most of the populations of Scotland, the rest of Britain, and the colonies lionised him as their deliverer from the Jacobite menace - for instance, he received an honorary degree from the University of Glasgow.[10]

Cumberland preserved the strictest discipline in his camp. He was inflexible in the execution of what he deemed to be his duty, without favour to any man. At the same time, he exercised his influence in favour of clemency in special cases that were brought to his notice. Some years later, James Wolfe spoke of the Duke as "for ever doing noble and generous actions". The Duke's victorious efforts were acknowledged by his being voted an income of £25,000 per annum over and above his money from the civil list.[11] A thanksgiving service was held at St Paul's Cathedral which saw the first performance of George Frideric Handel's "The Conquering Hero", composed especially for Cumberland.[12]

Return to the Continent

The Duke took no part in the Flanders campaign of 1746, during which the French made huge advances capturing Brussels and defeating the Allies at Rocoux. In 1747, Cumberland returned to the Continent and he again opposed the still-victorious Marshal Saxe and received a heavy defeat at the Battle of Lauffeld, or Val, near Maastricht, on 2 July 1747. This and the fall of Bergen-op-Zoom compelled the two sides to the negotiating table and in 1748 the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle was concluded and Cumberland returned home.


During the ten years of peace from 1748, Cumberland occupied himself chiefly with his duties as Captain-General, and the result of his work was clearly shown in the conduct of the army in the Seven Years' War. His unpopularity, which had steadily increased since Culloden, interfered greatly with his success in politics, and when the death of the Prince of Wales brought the latter's son, a minor, next in succession to the throne, the Duke was not able to secure for himself the contingent regency, which was vested in the Dowager Princess of Wales, who considered him an enemy. He became a strong supporter of the colony of Georgia which had been founded by James Oglethorpe where ex-soldiers could settle.

Seven Years' War

In 1757, the Seven Years' War having broken out, Cumberland was placed at the head of the Army of Observation, a force of German allies paid for by Britain which intended to defend Hanover from a French attack. At the Battle of Hastenbeck, near Hamelin, on 26 July 1757, Cumberland's army was defeated by the superior forces of d'Estrées. Despite seemingly having the advantage towards the end of the battle, Cumberland's forces began to retreat. Within a short time discipline had collapsed, and Cumberland's army headed northwards in total disorder. Cumberland hoped that the Royal Navy might bring him reinforcements and supplies which would allow him to regroup and counterattack, but the large British expedition to Rochefort despite suggestions that it should be sent to aid Cumberland.[13]

By September 1757 Cumberland and his forces had retreated to the fortified town of Stade on the North Sea coast. Hemmed in by the French, under Richelieu, he agreed to Convention of Klosterzeven at the Zeven monastery, on 8 September 1757.[14] The terms of the agreement, brokered by the King of Denmark, called for the disbandment of Cumberland's Army and the official occupation of much of Hanover by French forces. This left Britain's ally Prussia exposed to an attack from the west and seemingly offered the French a swift end to the war.

On Cumberland's return to London he was treated badly by his father despite the fact that he had previously been given permission to negotiate such an agreement. When they met George II remarked "Here is my son who has ruined me and disgraced himself".[15] In response Cumberland resigned all the military and public offices he held and retired into private life. In his retirement, he made no attempt to justify his conduct, applying in his own case the discipline he had enforced in others. The Convention, which was deeply unpopular in Britain, was subsequently revoked and Cumberland's former army reformed under the command of Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick who led it successfully for the remainder of the war thwarting several French attempts to attack Hanover.

Later life

For a few years, he lived quietly at Cumberland Lodge in Windsor and subsequently in London, taking but little part in politics. He did much, however, to displace the Bute ministry and that of Grenville, and endeavoured to restore Pitt to office. Public opinion had now set in his favour, and he became almost as popular as he had been in his youth. He took a growing interest in his nephew, the Prince of Wales, to such an extent that some feared he was trying to be the Power behind the throne.

Growing political influence

After the accession of the young Prince as George III in 1760 Cumberland vied with his sister-in-law, the Dowager Princess of Wales for the role of regent in times of emergency. The Regency Bill of 1765 became a major political issue, and caused trouble to the government of George Grenville. Shortly before his death, the Duke was requested to open negotiations with Pitt for a return to power. This was, however, unsuccessful.

The Duke died suddenly on Upper Grosvenor Street in London, on 31 October 1765 apparently from a myocardial infarction brought on by his life-long obesity, at the age of 44. There is a memorial Obelisk to the Duke in Windsor Great park. It is inscribed “THIS OBELISK RAISED BY COMMAND OF KING GEORGE THE SECOND COMMEMORATES THE SERVICES OF HIS SON WILLIAM DUKE OF CUMBERLAND THE SUCCESS OF HIS ARMS AND THE GRATITUDE OF HIS FATHER THIS TABLET WAS INSCRIBED BY HIS MAJESTY KING WILLIAM THE FOURTH". According to a local park guide the Obelisk was originally inscribed "Culloden" but Victoria had “Culloden” removed.[16] He was buried beneath the floor of the nave of the Henry VII Lady Chapel in Westminster Abbey.

Titles, styles, honours and arms

Titles and styles


British Honours

Cumberland Farms was named on his behalf.



On 20 July 1725, as a grandchild of the sovereign, William was granted use of the arms of the realm, differenced by a label argent of five points, the centre point bearing a cross gules, the first, second, fourth and fifth each bearing a canton gules. On 30 August 1727, as a child of the sovereign, William's difference changed to a label argent of three points, the centre point bearing a cross gules.[17]


The tabard of Blanc Coursier Herald, Cumberland's private officer of arms

The Scottish Highland town of Fort Augustus takes its name from a British Army fort which was named in his honour.

Many places in the American colonies were named after him, including the Cumberland River, the Cumberland Gap, the Cumberland Plateau, and the Cumberland Mountains, in addition to several counties and towns named "Cumberland" in the mid-18th century.

In 2005 he was selected by the BBC History Magazine as the 18th century's worst Briton.[18]


A Life of the Duke of Cumberland by Andrew Henderson was published in 1766, and anonymous (Richard Rolt) Historical Memoirs appeared in 1767. See especially A. N. Campbell Maclachlan, William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland (1876) and Rex Whitworth, William Augustus Duke of Cumberland: A Life (1992).



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The London Gazette for his ennoblement refers to him as "Prince William"
  2. "The Peerage – William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland". 2008-12-02. Retrieved 2010-06-21. 
  3. "Yvonne's Royalty Home Page: Royal Christenings". Retrieved 2010-06-21. 
  4. "Yvonne's Royalty: Peerage". Retrieved 2010-06-21. 
  5. Browning p.206
  6. Browning p.207-213
  7. Browning p.219
  8. Longmate p.155
  9. "The Letters of Horace Walpole, Volume 1 by Horace Walpole Part 15 out of 18". Retrieved 2010-06-21. 
  10. Encyclopædia Britannica. "Encyclopædia Britannica". Retrieved 2010-06-21. 
  11. W. A. Speck, ‘William Augustus, Prince, duke of Cumberland (1721–1765)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, Sept 2004; online edn, Jan 2008, accessed 16 Oct 2009.
  12. W. A. Speck, The Butcher. The Duke of Cumberland and the Suppression of the 45 (Welsh Academic Press, 1995), p. 170.
  13. Anderson p.177
  14. Anderson p.211
  15. Anderson p.212
  16. East Berks Ramblers Map, ISBN 978-1874258186
  17. Francois R. Velde. "Marks of Cadency in the British Royal Family". Retrieved 2010-06-21. 
  18. "'Worst' historical Britons list". BBC News. 2005-12-27. Retrieved 2010-06-21. 

External links

Prince William, Duke of Cumberland
House of Hanover
Cadet branch of the House of Welf
Born: 15 April 1721 Died: 31 October 1765
Peerage of Great Britain
New creation Duke of Cumberland
Military offices
Preceded by
Sir Charles Wills
Colonel of the 1st Regiment of Foot Guards
Succeeded by
The Viscount Ligonier
Vacant Captain-General
Preceded by
George Wade
Commander-in-Chief of the Forces
Succeeded by
The Viscount Ligonier
Academic offices
Preceded by
The Duke of Chandos
Chancellor of the University of St Andrews
Succeeded by
The Earl of Kinnoull